Feature Pricing


All of our prices are shown against each course on any of our courses pages.

Courses can be purchased as and when you need them, and access to that course lasts for a specific time period (typically one month). After that time period, your course access expires. You may renew access to a course as required and at any time.

Please note that for *MOST* courses, there are two types of access options (that have different features) for purchase:


This option gives you full access to all of our course material, extra resources, on-line tests and exams, unlimited "ask an instructor" support, course completion certificates, and exam readiness certificates (when appropriate to the course and after the correct criteria has been met). Note you do not need to purchase test & exam question bank access if you have already bought a full course.


This option is suitable for those who just wish to use our "question bank" for revision. This gives you access to the tests and exams (question banks) associated with each course, with support limited to explanations (you will need to purchase the full course option if you wish to use our "Ask an Instructor" facility). You will not receive a course completion certificate, but you will receive an exam readiness certificate (when appropriate to the course and after the correct criteria has been met). However, be vary aware that you are unlikely to pass the official exam in the subject if you have only studied test and exam questions. You really ought to use our FULL COURSE option above. Note you do not need to buy "TEST & EXAM ACCESS" if you have already purchased the course with the full course option.

A Simple Pricing Choice

All course prices are shown against each of the courses on all of our course pages.

You simply select which type of course access you wish to purchase, and you then have access for the specified time period (currently one month). You can buy the course again to add further time to your access which you can do at any time.

You can buy one course at a time, or you might like to take a look at our Starter Kit options.

For non-expired courses, you can purchase that course again to add more access time, the new time period will be added to the existing end date for that course.

If you already have full course access for a particular course and then purchase a test & exam question bank access to the same course, your test & exam question bank access duration will be added to your existing full course end date.

If you already have a test & exam question bank access for a particular course, and then purchase a new full course option to the same course, your full course access will commence from the time you complete the full course purchase.

To be eligible for the RENEWAL price shown, you MUST have previously PURCHASED access to that course. Renewal prices will not apply to courses obtained for free.

The individual course access duration period is for one month (unless the course is part of a Starter Kit); prices shown include any discount applicable.